McCombs School of Business Foundation

Mission of McCombs School of Business Foundation

The mission of the McCombs School of Business Foundation (or MSB Foundation) is to financially support the McCombs School of Business in fulfilling its mission.  The purpose of the MSB Foundation is to develop new sources of revenue for the school to enable it to grow in academic and professional stature and to fund high priority programs and activities of the school that are insufficiently supported by university funding.  Through its support, the MSB Foundation assists the school in achieving its goal of becoming the best public business school in the nation.

Currently, there are two sources of revenue for the MSB Foundation: (1) earnings from McCombs non-degree executive education programs contracted by the MSB Foundation; and, (2) annual, discretionary non-endowment donations made directly to the MSB Foundation by supporters of the school.  

The MSB Foundation will seek other new revenue sources that can provide discretionary income for the McCombs School of Business.  The MSB Foundation will not pursue funding in the form of endowments to be managed by the MSB Foundation unless such an endowment is necessary to facilitate the development of a particular program or activity in the school (such as The MBA Investment Fund).

From the revenue generated through the MSB Foundation, the Foundation will support creative activities in the McCombs School of Business that enhance the academic programs, the faculty, and the students in the school.  All financial support given by the MSB Foundation will be solely for the benefit of the McCombs School of Business. All financial support provided to the school must be with the agreement of the Dean of the McCombs School of Business.  Each fall the dean will submit a budget to the MSB Foundation Board of Trustees for their approval describing the school's enhancement expenditures to be supported by the MSB Foundation for the current academic year. The approval of the MSB Foundation Board of Trustees is required before any MSB Foundation funds are expended or transferred to the school in support of the dean's enhancement budget.  The MSB Foundation may accumulate funds over a number of years to support larger enhancement projects of the McCombs School of Business that cannot be funded from the annual revenue of the MSB Foundation.